Posts from 2017


Service That Produces Results

Matthew 25:14-30 All of us are accountable and responsible for our actions—or inactions— whether that’s to our spouse, parents, boss, teachers, friends, or someone else. Unfortunately, most people forget that they are also accountable to the ultimate authority: God our Creator. The rich man in this story was going away on a long journey. He […]


The Potter’s Hands

Jeremiah 18:1-6 There are those who believe people don’t ever really change. Some say even God cannot change them. However, I have witnessed people undergoing complete transformation in their lives. The impossible became possible when they allowed themselves to become like clay in the potter’s hand. God, speaking to Jeremiah and also through him to […]


Winning Souls

Evangelism is an attitude of deep concern for others, coupled with a vibrant faith that finds expression in a continuous effort on behalf of the Holy Spirit and humanity to bring individuals into a vital relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. You may ask: “What about someone who has never heard of Christ? […]


The Impact of the Local Church

Acts 2:41-47 People ask: Why is it that today’s Church has so little influence on the world? Some may agree with this observation that the Church is sometimes ineffective and try to explain why churches in general are not doing well, while others may disagree and say that churches are doing better than ever. You […]


The Crowds Rejoice While Jesus Weeps

Luke 19:28-44 In the early 1800s, Napoleon and his army were moving through Switzerland. Everywhere they went, Napoleon was greeted with loud applause: “Long live the king! Hail to the Emperor Napoleon!”  But Napoleon didn’t seem too excited about what was going on so a supporter asked him: “Isn’t it great to hear the roar […]


Feel-good Peddlers

Romans 5:1-11 No matter who you are or where you are, you are exposed in one way or another to advertisements, sales pitches and marketing gimmicks of all kinds. These may be direct, indirect or subliminal messages, promising you more joy, more pleasure, more free time and happiness. Yet, as Dr. Bob Moorehead wrote a […]


The Christian Home

Ephesians 5:19-6:4 What is a Christian family or home? To the average person, these terms do not mean much more than that a family belongs to, or identifies with, the Christian religion. The family is under attack today. For many today, “home” no longer signifies a place of love, peace, safety, training, learning and growing. […]


Who Is Jesus?

Millions claim to believe in Jesus Christ. In fact, almost two billion people say they are “Christian”. I wonder how many of those who are called by His name really know Him… I mean really know Him. Suppose you had to draw a picture of Jesus for someone who did not know Him. How would […]


The Birth of Jesus Defines History

Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:26-38 Larry King, the CNN talk show host, was once asked who he would most want to interview if he could choose anyone from all of history. His response was: “Jesus Christ. I would like to ask Him if He was indeed virgin-born. The answer to that question would define history for […]


Be Strong

Ephesians 6:10-18 We often hear Christians say and preachers proclaim that when you become a Christian or a believer in Jesus Christ, your life changes and God’s blessings make life easy and He fights your battles. However, the Bible reminds us that every true child of God soon learns that the Christian life is a […]