From the Pastor 2009


The Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-12 Isn’t it strange how little we know about the “wise men” (magi) who went to visit Jesus after His birth? There are many questions we might ask about these men: Where did they come from? How long had they been travelling? How many were they? Did they travel together? The Bible says that […]


Christianity: Religion or Relationship?

Luke 9:18-26 Religions, in general, offer their followers a set of values and rules by which to live. Some religions demand total and absolute commitment that may lead to whatever reward they offer, while others are less demanding. C.S. Lewis once said: “The moment a man seriously accepts a deity, his interest in ‘religion’ is […]


The Fear of the Lord

The concept of “the fear of the Lord” has been misunderstood, misinterpreted and very often ignored by many; it has even been rejected as “fear-mongering”. Churches seem to prefer to teach and preach only about God’s love, grace, mercy and avoid subjects that may make people uncomfortable, such as sin, holiness, faithfulness, and the fear […]


The Potter’s Hand

Jeremiah 18:1-6 There are those who believe that people don’t ever really change. Some say that even God cannot change them. However, I have witnessed people experiencing complete transformation in their lives. The impossible became possible when they allowed themselves to become like clay in the potter’s hand. God, speaking to Jeremiah and also through […]


Clean Feet

John 13:1-17 The time had come for Jesus’ life to end—the moment, in fact, for which He had been born. The wickedness of Satan had reached its climax and the plot against Jesus was already in play: Judas had chosen to betray the Saviour. Jesus knew that His enemies were plotting to kill Him. All […]


Back to Bethel

Genesis 35:1-7 Jacob played an important role in history as a patriarch of Israel but, earlier in his life, he deceived his brother Esau and their father Isaac (Genesis 25-27) and then escaped to Canaan. Sin had driven Jacob away from his home and family. Even today, sin always drives us away. On his way […]


Grow in Grace

2 Peter 3:18 The Christian life, like the physical life, begins with a birth. When we accept Christ as our Saviour, we are “born again.” John 1:12-13 says, “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, […]


Surely He Was the Son of God!

Matthew 27:27-54 If you can, as you read this, disconnect yourself from worldly thoughts for a while and join me as I follow Jesus Christ from a short distance… Although the birth, youth and ministry of Jesus were already unusual to those who watched and followed Him, His last days and hours on earth were […]


New Life

Acts 5:17-21; Ephesians 4:17-5:2, 8 New things, new ideas and even new relationships sooner or later become old and, often, forgotten. The birth of a child is something wonderful: A new life has started a long journey. In this journey of life, things may change, and new things and challenges may come up that affect […]