From the Pastor 2014


Renewed Beginnings

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 The terms new, new and improved and renewed are often used in advertisements, promotions and introductions. They usually denote a product or service that has been altered and is, supposedly, better than the previous or old version. This is done in many other areas of life. In politics, for example, we have […]


More Dangerous When In Disguise

2 Corinthians 11:13-15; 1 Timothy 4:1-2 There are many misconceptions about the devil and cartoon characterizations, in particular, are far from the truth. To accomplish his mission, the devil can look like anything or anyone he wants to. He can look like that handsome man or beautiful woman you met on the street. He can […]


Is There a Solution?

Something is wrong with the world today: Tension, crisis after crisis, suffering, fear, and hopelessness are everywhere. Parents kill their own children, children kill their parents, and even religious leaders are involved in sinful acts and corruption. We don’t have to look beyond our own lives to find fear, tension and despair. Why all this […]


Come and See. . . Go and Tell!

Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20 It’s easy to stop thinking about Jesus’ death and resurrection once the “Easter” holiday is past but Jesus rising from the dead is the most wonderful event in the history of the world, so let’s take a few more minutes to reflect on it. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an accepted […]


Who Is He?

Isaiah 9:6-7 While millions of people celebrate Christmas, including many who do not identify themselves as Christians, and while Christian churches around the world speak and sing about “Baby Jesus,” many really don’t know or care who this Jesus was or is! Most people will accept that Jesus was a man who lived about 2,000 […]


Choices in Our Spiritual Journey

Ephesians 5:1-21 The difficulty in the church in Ephesus was the same difficulty today’s churches face. They were not sure whom they should follow. Most decisions people make are based on cultural and traditional norms and lifestyles around them. Today, more than ever before, Christians are confused and torn in trying to choose between the […]


He Cares

Exodus 6:1-8 One day, while Moses was tending the flock as he usually did, He spotted a bush in flames. After approaching it, he heard God speak to him from within the burning bush! The Lord said: “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because […]


Why Attend Church?

Acts 4:31 Have you ever heard people say, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian”? Of course, the statement is true. No one who knows his or her Bible would suggest that a person becomes a Christian by attending church or by participating in its activities. It would be foolish to […]