Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13 “Temptation” – This word is used by religious and non-religious people alike, and it means different things to different people. The Greek word is ΠΕΙΡΑΣΜΟΣ, which means to lure, to entice, to make a person do something. It is not the same as trial or test. As the compass needle […]
This little epistle is a masterpiece. It has a strong Jewish flavour, even referring to the Christian assembly (church) as a “synagogue” (2:12), which is the Greek word for congregation (Sunagwgh) that eventually became used exclusively for Jewish congregations. James is a very practical epistle. It deals with controlling one’s tongue, the rich and proud, […]
Timothy was Pastor of the Christian “assembly” at Ephesus (1 Timothy 1:3). He was a young man. That is made clear by expressions in both letters to him and by references in the book of Acts. Paul’s references also leave us in no doubt that Timothy was very dear to him. 1 Timothy was written […]
How to Behave in the Local Church Introductory Greetings to Timothy – (1:1-5) 1:1 Paul introduces himself at the outset of the Letter as an apostle of Christ Jesus. He had been commissioned to special service by the glorified Lord. This appointment was not by men or through men, but directly through the will of […]
CHRIST SUPERIOR IN HIS PERSON (1:1-4:13) Christ Superior to the Prophets (1:1-3) Christ Superior to the Angels (1:4-2:18) Christ Superior to Moses and Joshua (3:1-4:13) CHRIST SUPERIOR IN HIS PRIESTHOOD (4:14-10:18) Christ’s High Priesthood Superior to Aaron’s (4:14-7:28) Christ’s Ministry Superior to Aaron’s (ch.8) Christ’s Offering Superior to Old Testament Sacrifices (9:1-10:18) WARNING […]
Luke 15:11-24
Luke 6:46-49
Ephesians 6:10-18
Ephesians 6:10-20
1 Samuel 3