CHRIST SUPERIOR IN HIS PERSON (1:1-4:13) Christ Superior to the Prophets (1:1-3) Christ Superior to the Angels (1:4-2:18) Christ Superior to Moses and Joshua (3:1-4:13) CHRIST SUPERIOR IN HIS PRIESTHOOD (4:14-10:18) Christ’s High Priesthood Superior to Aaron’s (4:14-7:28) Christ’s Ministry Superior to Aaron’s (ch.8) Christ’s Offering Superior to Old Testament Sacrifices (9:1-10:18) WARNING […]
There is a tremendous desire, longing, need for lasting peace, in this restless and insecure world today. “We want peace” is the collective cry around the world. Peace is a very precious possession! This longing, this desire is universal. In some languages the standard greeting is “PEACE” for example in Hebrew is: “Shalom” in Arabic […]
Isaiah announced the birth of Jesus about 725 BC He Wrote about the life of Jesus He Described the death of Jesus He Prophesied the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ Isaiah revealed the many names of our Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9:6 Wonderful Counsellor Mighty God Everlasting Father Prince of Peace Most birth announcements are […]