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Summer 2022 Update

We’re excited to be resuming most of our regular activities and planning some new things, too! Here’s what you need to know:

Sunday Morning Worship

Our Sunday services continue at 11:00 a.m. as usual, with refreshments and fellowship afterward on the first and third Sundays. In August, because Pastor Joseph Hovsepian will be going on a three-week mission trip to Armenia, we will have a few guest speakers: Stephen Roussakis (Aug. 14), Michael Piotrowski (Aug. 21), and Dikran Kazarossian (Aug. 28).

Tuesday Bible Studies

As of August 2, Tuesday night studies will be held at the church. Since we have several members who are unable to attend in person but have been faithfully participating in our virtual meetings, we will attempt to have “hybrid” meetings. Those who cannot come to the church are encouraged to call in or join online to follow the meeting virtually. Participation of those on the call may be limited, of course, because of the format of the meeting, but we hope that the opportunity to follow along will still be helpful and fruitful. Please send us an email if you’d like the link or call-in details to join us via Zoom.

The Bible study teachers in Pastor Joseph’s absence will be Stephen Roussakis (Aug. 9) and Zaven Bakerjian (Aug. 16, 23, and 30).

Men’s & Women’s Fellowship

These monthly meetings continue as usual. The men will meet on Saturday, August 13, at 9:00 a.m. Michael Piotrowski will be leading that day. The women will meet on Saturday, August 20, at 10:00 a.m. and the meeting will be available on Zoom as well. Ann-Margret Hovsepian will be leading that day.

New Activity Launch! Quarterly Fellowship Night

We will be launching at least one new activity this fall: a quarterly inter-generational fellowship night! We’ve scheduled the first one for Saturday, October 29. We haven’t settled on the time just yet (and we’re not sure whether we’ll share a meal or only refreshments) but please keep that evening open and plan to join us with your families and friends. We’ll have a time of praise singing and some sharing but the program will not be overly structured so that we can include activities that the children and youth will be able to participate in. Details to come!

Second Bible Study

We will likely restart our Sunday morning Bible study class in September but that’s on hold for now. If ever you’re not sure whether one of our meetings is taking place, just give us a call or send us an email.